Define the fields you want to generate. How to use Fakery?
This is the data that was generated.
streetAddress | secondaryAddress | city | state | zipCode | country | county |
9790 Eliza Wells | Apt. 303 | South Ezekielchester | Maryland | 58436-5248 | Cyprus | Carroll County |
7944 Keeling Coves | Suite 278 | Wisokyfield | Kansas | 65888 | South Africa | Grant County |
121 Shad Point | Apt. 646 | Huntington Park | Nebraska | 62316 | Saudi Arabia | Rutland |
1076 Olson Roads | Apt. 347 | North Antwon | Minnesota | 90292 | Botswana | Henry County |
1069 Talia Ford | Apt. 550 | Kileyfurt | Delaware | 52621-5496 | Lao People's Democratic Republic | Cheshire |
1750 Connelly Manor | Suite 905 | Tonawanda | Nevada | 41883 | Honduras | Dumfries and Galloway |
69335 Nienow Ridge | Apt. 866 | Rolfsonbury | Louisiana | 23874-8906 | Lebanon | Greater Manchester |
27904 Kolby Views | Apt. 427 | Salem | New Hampshire | 07613 | Micronesia | Devon |
87349 Mueller Lane | Apt. 398 | Lubowitzworth | Arkansas | 41791 | Paraguay | County Down |
37572 Beatty Rapid | Suite 210 | North Benton | Alaska | 21825-2598 | Estonia | Henry County |
30559 Kelley Haven | Apt. 882 | Lake Raegan | New Mexico | 48774 | Marshall Islands | Clwyd |
40119 Telly Common | Suite 367 | New Madelyntown | Connecticut | 29352 | Congo | Fayette County |
27119 Hilpert Walks | Apt. 872 | South Connor | New Mexico | 88170-6004 | Slovakia | Grampian |
643 Yundt Corner | Suite 235 | Crystalfort | Virginia | 42107-3260 | Costa Rica | Greene County |
203 Austen Springs | Apt. 296 | Judsonhaven | Washington | 23077-5779 | Cayman Islands | Tyne and Wear |
142 Morissette Row | Suite 499 | Concepcionshire | Alabama | 93241-6054 | Tuvalu | Nottinghamshire |
436 Barton Curve | Apt. 201 | Lakintown | Alaska | 99830 | Kiribati | Lawrence County |
35188 Hegmann Forge | Suite 458 | Deltona | Texas | 99445 | Greece | Northumberland |
3149 Haley Bridge | Suite 624 | Port Salvador | Kansas | 88551 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Northamptonshire |
6000 Amari Port | Apt. 950 | Weymouth Town | South Carolina | 29061 | South Africa | Madison County |
4632 McGlynn Ramp | Suite 180 | Schambergercester | Virginia | 03264-4332 | Iceland | Carroll County |
5316 Keeling Crossroad | Suite 466 | West Herthatown | Louisiana | 70899 | Sao Tome and Principe | Hertfordshire |
3022 Lindgren Meadow | Suite 815 | Lake Alvahmouth | Minnesota | 05048-3607 | Guinea-Bissau | Kent |
39012 Streich Track | Apt. 765 | East Joyceport | Virginia | 42858 | French Guiana | Jackson County |
594 Dagmar Corner | Apt. 244 | Lake Adela | Hawaii | 26804-1662 | French Southern Territories | Greene County |
574 Candace Estate | Suite 751 | Langoshville | Wyoming | 12058-7703 | Gabon | Cambridgeshire |
183 Abbott Throughway | Suite 928 | Stehrborough | California | 67776 | Hungary | Northumberland |
157 Reynolds Freeway | Apt. 322 | Pacochaborough | Rhode Island | 54670-9439 | Burkina Faso | Berkshire |
554 Wintheiser Pine | Apt. 995 | Lefflerfield | Connecticut | 38051 | Mexico | Merseyside |
133 Stoltenberg Spur | Suite 564 | Port Ilianastad | New Jersey | 94222 | Curacao | Morgan County |
7942 Shanel Mall | Apt. 277 | West Jeffry | Alaska | 50813 | Lesotho | Merseyside |
595 Vicenta River | Suite 305 | Coleport | Maine | 02526-0443 | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | Oxfordshire |
1836 Nyah River | Apt. 982 | Rebecafield | North Carolina | 01706-0605 | Jordan | East Sussex |
40979 Gianni Roads | Suite 594 | Jaunitachester | Mississippi | 89479 | Zambia | Clark County |
7017 Pfeffer Branch | Suite 510 | Fort Oran | Virginia | 75971-0161 | South Sudan | Greater Manchester |
959 Rath Roads | Suite 399 | Kieranburgh | New York | 41888 | Burundi | Shropshire |
68532 Zemlak Ford | Suite 553 | Vandervortland | Maine | 40529-8037 | Kuwait | Strathclyde |
1153 Sherman Terrace | Suite 656 | South Shania | New York | 23085 | Congo | Warren County |
589 Kautzer Crossing | Apt. 930 | Taylorsville | Washington | 83962-1042 | Grenada | Warren County |
28614 Schumm Crossroad | Apt. 471 | Fort Kiley | Mississippi | 30220 | Northern Mariana Islands | Jackson County |
8511 Marks Via | Suite 184 | Carleyworth | Kansas | 75607-0100 | Japan | Staffordshire |
3961 Wiza Junction | Suite 281 | Mullerchester | Arizona | 30937 | Lao People's Democratic Republic | Madison County |
644 Lesly Cove | Apt. 117 | West Zakary | Wyoming | 24365 | Antigua and Barbuda | Mid Glamorgan |
58113 Joanny Prairie | Suite 873 | South Alaynahaven | Montana | 84096-6674 | Mexico | Surrey |
68014 Rylee Mountain | Suite 664 | Schuliststead | Illinois | 45865 | Greenland | Montgomery County |
112 Friesen Fork | Suite 724 | Rafaelabury | Louisiana | 28743 | Virgin Islands, U.S. | Lincolnshire |
71212 Dooley Forest | Apt. 537 | East Bernitashire | North Dakota | 76012-6269 | Norfolk Island | Lancashire |
5034 Kuhic Keys | Suite 917 | South Anneland | Maine | 71429-4544 | Burundi | Washington County |
410 Kirlin Row | Suite 286 | Riverview | Wisconsin | 35920-7390 | Iran | Tyne and Wear |
407 Rohan Drive | Apt. 403 | North Ardellaside | Vermont | 75445 | British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) | Logan County |
70855 Lenna Harbor | Suite 187 | Breitenbergfield | Wyoming | 19560-9701 | Madagascar | Devon |
7312 Kirlin Extension | Suite 787 | Chicopee | Indiana | 90983-5746 | Saint Lucia | Madison County |
799 Hassie Alley | Apt. 928 | Lake Ricky | Montana | 70773-4717 | Peru | Greater Manchester |
4260 Meaghan Shoals | Apt. 972 | Blazeland | Idaho | 39815 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Polk County |
21266 Hane Burgs | Apt. 540 | Nashua | Michigan | 33622-3493 | Hong Kong | Gwent |
854 Ova Landing | Apt. 169 | East Horaceville | Virginia | 68795 | United Arab Emirates | County Tyrone |
8406 Schulist Views | Suite 501 | Port Myaburgh | Wisconsin | 55998-6781 | Aland Islands | Greater Manchester |
600 Ida Village | Suite 108 | Port Hildegardport | New Jersey | 88645 | Brunei Darussalam | Rutland |
783 Deja Terrace | Suite 466 | South Gertrudemouth | Nebraska | 89922 | Bhutan | Dyfed |
20771 Abernathy Skyway | Apt. 527 | Placentia | Arkansas | 24166-1133 | Central African Republic | West Midlands |
9284 Wolf Cliffs | Apt. 294 | Lefflerbury | Iowa | 26423-7740 | Guadeloupe | Greater Manchester |
16022 McLaughlin Forks | Apt. 584 | Port Ernaside | South Dakota | 95285 | Jamaica | Dyfed |
524 Weber Ports | Apt. 300 | South Holly | Washington | 35771 | Trinidad and Tobago | Avon |
257 Maximo Key | Suite 720 | Kubburgh | Nebraska | 53136 | Austria | Monroe County |
2736 O'Connell Crossroad | Apt. 618 | Bridgetteside | Rhode Island | 94943 | Latvia | Isle of Wight |
63828 Luettgen Springs | Suite 446 | East Merrittmouth | Montana | 18868 | New Caledonia | Leicestershire |
14099 Mohr Pines | Apt. 246 | Kennedystad | Mississippi | 46508-3745 | Iceland | Tyne and Wear |
14900 Coby Villages | Apt. 711 | McDermottton | Virginia | 60672 | Norway | Franklin County |
1107 Hayes Causeway | Suite 745 | Jesustown | California | 03020-4931 | Kenya | Gloucestershire |
437 Nienow Mission | Suite 963 | East Hudson | Virginia | 09905-0389 | United States of America | Douglas County |
560 Marquardt Alley | Apt. 363 | Bowie | Utah | 48737-2445 | Cuba | Jefferson County |
4714 Bernier Lights | Apt. 568 | Legrosside | Massachusetts | 22074 | Sweden | Carroll County |
335 Virginia Hills | Apt. 361 | Abdielfort | Rhode Island | 90831 | Seychelles | Mid Glamorgan |
27326 Mary Bridge | Apt. 423 | Palm Harbor | Kansas | 51403 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Cleveland |
7483 Lynch Fork | Suite 289 | Ziemeshire | Nevada | 70742 | Greece | South Glamorgan |
447 Krajcik Turnpike | Apt. 508 | West Dexterboro | Maryland | 75324 | Oman | Somerset |
90081 Dangelo Hills | Apt. 615 | Blandabury | Utah | 97832 | Kyrgyz Republic | Devon |
455 Weldon Route | Apt. 469 | Fort Onie | Alaska | 48074 | Saint Martin | Jefferson County |
6260 Hand Green | Apt. 568 | Friesenview | North Carolina | 15307-1016 | Germany | Norfolk |
86457 Crooks Keys | Suite 884 | Altamonte Springs | Michigan | 26882-9004 | Czechia | Derbyshire |
14482 Johnathon Light | Apt. 297 | Ronberg | Arizona | 43249 | Uzbekistan | West Glamorgan |
699 Hegmann Brooks | Suite 449 | Port Triston | North Carolina | 20586-7664 | Romania | Calhoun County |
56286 Kari Courts | Suite 856 | Lemkehaven | Illinois | 29834-7058 | Barbados | Logan County |
86864 Lavinia Inlet | Suite 165 | Clarksville | Iowa | 84531-6265 | Qatar | Monroe County |
231 Rosalyn Streets | Suite 892 | Lake Laurie | Massachusetts | 56502-7795 | Malawi | Morgan County |
67604 Hosea Valley | Apt. 668 | New York | Arizona | 78339-1070 | Israel | Devon |
95902 Rowena Shores | Suite 163 | Anchorage | Washington | 45025-9258 | Jersey | Leicestershire |
9243 Hilpert Tunnel | Apt. 159 | Collierton | Michigan | 87481-7304 | Republic of Korea | Isle of Wight |
6624 Mckenzie Courts | Suite 566 | DuBuqueville | Wyoming | 17796-2716 | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Leicestershire |
58663 Kreiger Key | Apt. 141 | Haltom City | Texas | 98356 | Panama | Grampian |
2012 Jake Mews | Apt. 404 | Stromancester | South Dakota | 58147 | Switzerland | Northamptonshire |
4582 Justen Viaduct | Suite 134 | Sunnyvale | Virginia | 37658-8048 | Sudan | Lincoln County |
846 Evert Light | Apt. 168 | Bakersfield | Tennessee | 63995-8184 | Cambodia | Wayne County |
973 Zemlak Streets | Suite 811 | South Fritzside | Connecticut | 64429-8991 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Cambridgeshire |
50547 Jedidiah Mountains | Apt. 321 | Odessa | Alaska | 85146-9329 | Lesotho | Henry County |
28825 Elsa Coves | Apt. 123 | South Concepcioncester | Vermont | 87724 | Bouvet Island | Powys |
543 Dorthy Forges | Suite 937 | Adahburgh | Alabama | 53321-7411 | Botswana | Lawrence County |
776 Flatley Field | Apt. 686 | Fountainebleau | Nevada | 28944 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Kent |
85941 Bernie Court | Apt. 350 | West Kennedifort | Connecticut | 26908-6950 | Cyprus | Gloucestershire |
11387 Blick Valley | Apt. 437 | Kasandrafurt | South Dakota | 43587-2105 | Burkina Faso | Berkshire |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Fakery?
Fakery is a free online tool for generating fake data. It supports a wide variety of data types and formats, including JSON, CSV and HTML.
How to Use Fakery?
To use Fakery, simply select the data types you want to generate from the dropdown. You can customize the data types by clicking the options button next to each data type. You can rename the fields by setting the field name input next to each data type.
The options panel allows you to customize the file format, the number of records, and the seed used to generate the data. You can copy or download the generated data by clicking the Copy or Download buttons.
What Data Can I Generate?
Fakery supports a wide variety of data types and formats in categories such as:
- Airlines
- Animals
- Colors
- Commerce
- Companies
- Databases
- Datatypes
- Dates
- Finances
- Git
- Hacker
- Helpers
- Images
- Internet
- Locations
- Lorem
- Music
- Numbers
- People
- Phone numbers
- Random
- Science
- Strings
- System
- Vehicles
- Words
- Utilities
Check out the examples page for inspiration.
Why use Fakery?
There are plenty of data mocking libraries out there requiring you to write code. is a free online tool that allows you to generate data easily, without having to add any unnecessary dependencies to your project or write any code.
Who is Fakery For?
Fakery is for anyone who needs to generate fake data for testing their applications. It's especially useful for frontend developers who need to generate data for their frontend applications.
Why is Realistic Data Important?
Data is the lifeblood of your application. Without realistic data, your application might not look or feel right, or it might not behave as expected. Using realistic placeholder data helps you find view your application as your users would, and helps you find and fix bugs before they make it to production.
Do You Have an API?
We're working on it! We'll be releasing an API soon that will allow you to generate data programmatically.
How is the data generated?
Fakery uses Faker.js under the hood to generate most of the data. Faker.js is a popular mock data library. It's used by many other libraries and frameworks, including Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Django.
I Have a Feature Request or Bug Report
We'd love to hear from you! Please email us at