
Define the fields you want to generate. How to use Fakery?



This is the data that was generated.

Zieme - ReichelUpgradable 24 hour benchmarkenvisioneer rich initiatives
Bosco and SonsDigitized fault-tolerant focus groupwhiteboard 24/365 methodologies
Stamm - JohnstonFully-configurable needs-based interfaceaggregate magnetic experiences
Balistreri LLCProgressive uniform Graphical User Interfacebrand efficient supply-chains
Weimann IncRobust responsive paradigmredefine wireless action-items
Pouros LLCSynergized systemic superstructurerevolutionize revolutionary e-business
Goodwin IncBalanced system-worthy moratoriumevolve distributed supply-chains
Williamson, Jenkins and LeschDistributed needs-based encodingenvisioneer intuitive deliverables
Skiles, Jerde and AuerAssimilated optimizing middlewarerecontextualize world-class schemas
Goyette and SonsSeamless context-sensitive artificial intelligenceoptimize bleeding-edge relationships
Boyer, Greenholt and TurnerFace to face bandwidth-monitored benchmarksynthesize value-added partnerships
Von, Effertz and VandervortExpanded disintermediate initiativeengage proactive e-commerce
Morar - CorkeryUser-friendly maximized data-warehousevisualize 24/7 infrastructures
Jerde - WiegandQuality-focused human-resource Graphical User Interfacedeliver proactive networks
Bayer - OndrickaCustomer-focused incremental projectmatrix value-added systems
Turner, Lindgren and ConnMonitored bifurcated successengineer dynamic content
Cummerata - O'HaraUp-sized executive forecastincubate out-of-the-box models
Cassin, Tillman and PollichPre-emptive multimedia pricing structurefacilitate virtual networks
Hermiston GroupReverse-engineered global structureproductize clicks-and-mortar mindshare
Mueller - BinsCross-group regional throughputstreamline bleeding-edge niches
Weissnat - JastImplemented contextually-based process improvementiterate integrated e-commerce
Abernathy GroupPolarised bottom-line firmwareincubate back-end synergies
Quitzon, Hermiston and KovacekTriple-buffered real-time middlewaregrow value-added solutions
Sipes, Pollich and LubowitzVision-oriented analyzing challengegrow innovative schemas
Dicki, Predovic and KohlerBusiness-focused contextually-based pricing structuresyndicate enterprise eyeballs
Beatty, Rath and LeannonCross-platform client-driven adapterdisintermediate value-added infrastructures
Langosh IncConfigurable systematic encodingdeliver 24/7 e-markets
Spinka, Gottlieb and CasperEnterprise-wide directional archiveengage front-end blockchains
MacGyver - HilllAdvanced secondary projectionempower 24/7 users
Moore, Howell and KautzerSynergistic optimizing portalstrategize efficient supply-chains
Hettinger IncDecentralized bandwidth-monitored task-forceintegrate ubiquitous infrastructures
Fahey, Morissette and RatkeAssimilated leading edge monitoringimplement innovative markets
Wisoky and SonsOrganic didactic conceptoptimize end-to-end initiatives
Crooks, Dietrich and WeimannPersevering explicit toolsetstreamline cutting-edge schemas
Gusikowski and SonsDiverse mobile websiterevolutionize customized initiatives
Auer, O'Conner and BernierAssimilated human-resource protocolmaximize enterprise e-commerce
Hamill - LemkeVisionary background leverageenable dynamic architectures
Emmerich - RodriguezUniversal multi-tasking implementationincentivize innovative markets
Hilpert, Effertz and MurphyCentralized composite archiveunleash strategic markets
Gibson - BoyerSelf-enabling bifurcated complexitycultivate turn-key e-commerce
Spencer - WalshPre-emptive demand-driven firmwarestreamline bricks-and-clicks schemas
Rutherford - RippinTriple-buffered clear-thinking system enginevisualize clicks-and-mortar supply-chains
Rempel LLCReverse-engineered value-added Graphic Interfaceproductize plug-and-play e-markets
Von IncProfit-focused upward-trending functionalitiesempower interactive initiatives
Bailey - LoweMulti-channelled upward-trending protocolcultivate viral content
Windler - BartonDevolved even-keeled benchmarkoptimize innovative deliverables
Ankunding - BahringerMulti-channelled value-added time-framerevolutionize frictionless synergies
Dare - BraunFundamental hybrid benchmarke-enable wireless interfaces
Grady - WeimannGrass-roots logistical superstructuretransition 24/7 e-business
Ullrich GroupMulti-channelled global intranetharness impactful e-commerce
Cassin and SonsUser-friendly methodical extranetimplement collaborative systems
Kerluke IncSelf-enabling systemic extranetenhance customized metrics
Little - DenesikDistributed regional matricesmaximize proactive markets
Johnston IncProgressive foreground synergyincubate clicks-and-mortar functionalities
Schaden, Hodkiewicz and FunkVirtual asymmetric matrixorchestrate transparent eyeballs
Johnson - MurphyFuture-proofed directional open systemengage cross-media schemas
Stiedemann IncReverse-engineered regional open systemiterate user-centric synergies
Gislason LLCMulti-lateral heuristic frameseize 24/7 content
Jacobs LLCFully-configurable bi-directional middlewaremesh killer initiatives
Jones, Pagac and PaucekDistributed didactic hardwareimplement virtual communities
Bartoletti, Thompson and WeberTriple-buffered reciprocal monitoringsynthesize global synergies
Gusikowski GroupOptimized intangible standardizationengineer mission-critical e-commerce
Reynolds IncOpen-architected grid-enabled productutilize efficient markets
Schroeder - HeathcoteProactive actuating productseize cross-media partnerships
Wunsch IncDigitized directional protocolexploit user-centric markets
Olson, Marks and DibbertDe-engineered incremental implementationiterate virtual relationships
Stamm LLCStreamlined dynamic budgetary managementiterate real-time web services
Gerhold - ErdmanCross-group grid-enabled complexitygrow dot-com portals
Altenwerth, Durgan and LakinErgonomic multi-tasking solutionstreamline killer initiatives
Moen - FeestFully-configurable attitude-oriented successsyndicate impactful relationships
Cremin IncPre-emptive national intranetorchestrate world-class architectures
Yundt GroupCustomizable context-sensitive analyzersynthesize customized applications
Bahringer, Hagenes and HaneIntegrated system-worthy architecturegenerate virtual e-markets
Streich LLCUser-centric cohesive secured linebenchmark cutting-edge portals
Beahan LLCRe-contextualized next generation pricing structuremaximize best-of-breed applications
Barton, McDermott and RusselVersatile object-oriented encryptionincentivize granular ROI
Nader LLCFuture-proofed reciprocal projectsyndicate magnetic bandwidth
Bayer, Zboncak and KingFront-line well-modulated budgetary managementfacilitate customized e-markets
Jenkins - WolfVersatile motivating conceptrecontextualize rich e-markets
Leffler - SchowalterCustomer-focused high-level forecaste-enable value-added interfaces
Mayert LLCUniversal 4th generation extranetfacilitate bricks-and-clicks functionalities
Pouros, Kshlerin and PollichMulti-tiered coherent softwaredeploy efficient e-commerce
Zboncak and SonsDiverse didactic customer loyaltyarchitect global models
Waelchi, Koch and DooleyBalanced system-worthy installationbrand sticky users
Gutmann, Gulgowski and KuhnAmeliorated cohesive matricesevolve next-generation initiatives
Kuvalis - RohanSeamless impactful superstructuredeliver one-to-one blockchains
Schneider, Gerhold and BartolettiOrganic next generation benchmarkbrand dynamic methodologies
Ernser LLCExpanded neutral architecturebrand killer niches
Schultz LLCAutomated scalable functionalitiesvisualize bleeding-edge networks
Heaney, Vandervort and StammExtended global secured linerevolutionize world-class bandwidth
Conroy LLCCentralized methodical accesswhiteboard robust e-commerce
Marvin - BruenHorizontal 3rd generation time-frameunleash rich content
Rogahn - SmithMulti-channelled zero defect hierarchyengage interactive mindshare
Bogan - SchmittVision-oriented foreground productivityiterate rich paradigms
Ryan - BashirianCross-platform non-volatile middlewarevisualize clicks-and-mortar systems
Breitenberg - AbernathyFace to face web-enabled productiterate visionary applications
Volkman - RauCustomizable analyzing capacitymaximize mission-critical e-business
Predovic - UllrichOptional zero defect standardizationrepurpose out-of-the-box schemas
Vandervort GroupIntuitive local customer loyaltyexpedite e-business architectures
Towne GroupSynergized bifurcated solutionincentivize world-class metrics

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fakery?

Fakery is a free online tool for generating fake data. It supports a wide variety of data types and formats, including JSON, CSV and HTML.

How to Use Fakery?

To use Fakery, simply select the data types you want to generate from the dropdown. You can customize the data types by clicking the options button next to each data type. You can rename the fields by setting the field name input next to each data type.

The options panel allows you to customize the file format, the number of records, and the seed used to generate the data. You can copy or download the generated data by clicking the Copy or Download buttons.

What Data Can I Generate?

Fakery supports a wide variety of data types and formats in categories such as:

  • Airlines
  • Animals
  • Colors
  • Commerce
  • Companies
  • Databases
  • Datatypes
  • Dates
  • Finances
  • Git
  • Hacker
  • Helpers
  • Images
  • Internet
  • Locations
  • Lorem
  • Music
  • Numbers
  • People
  • Phone numbers
  • Random
  • Science
  • Strings
  • System
  • Vehicles
  • Words
  • Utilities

Check out the examples page for inspiration.

Why use Fakery?

There are plenty of data mocking libraries out there requiring you to write code. is a free online tool that allows you to generate data easily, without having to add any unnecessary dependencies to your project or write any code.

Who is Fakery For?

Fakery is for anyone who needs to generate fake data for testing their applications. It's especially useful for frontend developers who need to generate data for their frontend applications.

Why is Realistic Data Important?

Data is the lifeblood of your application. Without realistic data, your application might not look or feel right, or it might not behave as expected. Using realistic placeholder data helps you find view your application as your users would, and helps you find and fix bugs before they make it to production.

Do You Have an API?

We're working on it! We'll be releasing an API soon that will allow you to generate data programmatically.

How is the data generated?

Fakery uses Faker.js under the hood to generate most of the data. Faker.js is a popular mock data library. It's used by many other libraries and frameworks, including Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Django.

I Have a Feature Request or Bug Report

We'd love to hear from you! Please email us at