Define the fields you want to generate. How to use Fakery?
This is the data that was generated.
phrase |
You can't copy the driver without programming the wireless XSS panel! |
I'll navigate the primary COM interface, that should microchip the DRAM interface! |
The IB bus is down, synthesize the haptic system so we can generate the VGA card! |
We need to back up the optical JBOD program! |
Use the solid state SMS system, then you can index the redundant hard drive! |
We need to transmit the digital VGA application! |
The XML bandwidth is down, program the virtual feed so we can program the TCP firewall! |
I'll bypass the neural THX driver, that should port the API microchip! |
I'll index the multi-byte SMS system, that should feed the ASCII capacitor! |
Use the wireless DNS card, then you can synthesize the virtual panel! |
backing up the driver won't do anything, we need to calculate the redundant TLS application! |
I'll override the virtual SDD port, that should system the SSD application! |
If we reboot the circuit, we can get to the API bandwidth through the online JBOD card! |
Try to bypass the CLI firewall, maybe it will synthesize the back-end driver! |
I'll back up the open-source DNS card, that should sensor the UTF8 pixel! |
Use the bluetooth RSS capacitor, then you can compress the back-end pixel! |
The DRAM interface is down, connect the haptic capacitor so we can index the ASCII feed! |
Use the 1080p AI protocol, then you can hack the haptic alarm! |
Use the mobile TCP pixel, then you can reboot the auxiliary circuit! |
Use the online CLI circuit, then you can navigate the back-end transmitter! |
You can't navigate the capacitor without quantifying the back-end PNG array! |
Use the bluetooth SSD panel, then you can synthesize the 1080p circuit! |
Use the 1080p SDD array, then you can compress the cross-platform application! |
Try to parse the USB system, maybe it will back up the 1080p circuit! |
The OCR bandwidth is down, bypass the primary application so we can connect the SCSI capacitor! |
Try to compress the RSS interface, maybe it will input the solid state interface! |
I'll hack the virtual SSL driver, that should application the RSS pixel! |
Try to synthesize the RSS driver, maybe it will navigate the haptic circuit! |
You can't compress the sensor without generating the 1080p UTF8 driver! |
I'll connect the haptic THX matrix, that should protocol the SMTP microchip! |
We need to synthesize the solid state SSD microchip! |
You can't override the firewall without synthesizing the open-source AI application! |
I'll index the haptic AI bandwidth, that should microchip the SMTP driver! |
If we copy the program, we can get to the ASCII bandwidth through the haptic AGP bus! |
Use the haptic DRAM bus, then you can hack the mobile port! |
We need to quantify the primary FTP pixel! |
I'll copy the cross-platform IP driver, that should transmitter the RAM transmitter! |
We need to navigate the neural SQL pixel! |
You can't index the system without calculating the 1080p UDP hard drive! |
We need to hack the primary HTTP panel! |
I'll synthesize the primary AGP application, that should program the UTF8 pixel! |
If we parse the panel, we can get to the RAM protocol through the auxiliary SDD card! |
Try to compress the RAM microchip, maybe it will hack the open-source protocol! |
The COM hard drive is down, back up the solid state array so we can program the DNS matrix! |
The EXE microchip is down, transmit the online pixel so we can reboot the GB matrix! |
We need to bypass the auxiliary SSD alarm! |
If we copy the application, we can get to the OCR hard drive through the multi-byte THX system! |
Use the primary XSS panel, then you can generate the multi-byte interface! |
Use the 1080p DRAM feed, then you can compress the solid state sensor! |
We need to override the 1080p AI array! |
The API application is down, navigate the primary panel so we can compress the DNS protocol! |
If we generate the capacitor, we can get to the TCP alarm through the digital COM hard drive! |
compressing the card won't do anything, we need to input the bluetooth UTF8 protocol! |
The PCI circuit is down, synthesize the 1080p panel so we can back up the SSL capacitor! |
You can't index the application without generating the 1080p DRAM capacitor! |
I'll reboot the digital UTF8 circuit, that should driver the RAM alarm! |
You can't generate the pixel without hacking the online GB driver! |
You can't quantify the array without programming the neural UTF8 interface! |
I'll synthesize the cross-platform AGP panel, that should protocol the CSS panel! |
Use the auxiliary ADP capacitor, then you can transmit the online matrix! |
Try to copy the ADP microchip, maybe it will generate the online bandwidth! |
We need to navigate the neural USB firewall! |
Try to program the VGA hard drive, maybe it will compress the cross-platform circuit! |
parsing the sensor won't do anything, we need to generate the solid state AGP system! |
Try to connect the TCP port, maybe it will parse the multi-byte panel! |
Use the auxiliary HDD pixel, then you can index the mobile program! |
We need to compress the optical TCP card! |
I'll quantify the haptic THX microchip, that should microchip the RSS application! |
Use the auxiliary AI system, then you can synthesize the auxiliary protocol! |
You can't transmit the bus without backing up the multi-byte UTF8 matrix! |
You can't transmit the pixel without bypassing the mobile EXE panel! |
We need to navigate the redundant RSS alarm! |
Try to bypass the SMTP feed, maybe it will program the multi-byte application! |
If we copy the circuit, we can get to the SSD bus through the wireless TCP driver! |
Try to navigate the SMS system, maybe it will compress the online array! |
You can't calculate the card without connecting the redundant ADP panel! |
Use the digital JBOD system, then you can synthesize the mobile feed! |
We need to navigate the redundant FTP driver! |
We need to reboot the auxiliary TCP circuit! |
I'll copy the haptic SSL port, that should driver the SDD port! |
transmitting the transmitter won't do anything, we need to quantify the haptic PNG microchip! |
If we quantify the system, we can get to the SQL application through the haptic AGP driver! |
If we navigate the alarm, we can get to the JSON protocol through the cross-platform THX application! |
The API protocol is down, transmit the mobile microchip so we can program the EXE port! |
quantifying the hard drive won't do anything, we need to hack the wireless API microchip! |
Use the solid state JSON sensor, then you can program the cross-platform program! |
Use the virtual TLS circuit, then you can reboot the back-end firewall! |
You can't connect the system without bypassing the digital EXE microchip! |
You can't compress the microchip without backing up the 1080p HDD firewall! |
The TLS panel is down, compress the redundant pixel so we can copy the AI pixel! |
If we override the sensor, we can get to the USB program through the neural PCI panel! |
Use the haptic SMS alarm, then you can hack the back-end firewall! |
I'll transmit the digital SSD protocol, that should firewall the COM circuit! |
The ADP interface is down, program the virtual bus so we can navigate the HDD protocol! |
Use the optical ADP capacitor, then you can transmit the bluetooth microchip! |
The TLS protocol is down, synthesize the primary alarm so we can input the HDD monitor! |
Use the neural IP driver, then you can input the wireless pixel! |
I'll calculate the open-source SQL card, that should port the GB program! |
The HEX firewall is down, transmit the neural system so we can back up the SSL pixel! |
I'll generate the mobile JBOD panel, that should array the GB circuit! |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Fakery?
Fakery is a free online tool for generating fake data. It supports a wide variety of data types and formats, including JSON, CSV and HTML.
How to Use Fakery?
To use Fakery, simply select the data types you want to generate from the dropdown. You can customize the data types by clicking the options button next to each data type. You can rename the fields by setting the field name input next to each data type.
The options panel allows you to customize the file format, the number of records, and the seed used to generate the data. You can copy or download the generated data by clicking the Copy or Download buttons.
What Data Can I Generate?
Fakery supports a wide variety of data types and formats in categories such as:
- Airlines
- Animals
- Colors
- Commerce
- Companies
- Databases
- Datatypes
- Dates
- Finances
- Git
- Hacker
- Helpers
- Images
- Internet
- Locations
- Lorem
- Music
- Numbers
- People
- Phone numbers
- Random
- Science
- Strings
- System
- Vehicles
- Words
- Utilities
Check out the examples page for inspiration.
Why use Fakery?
There are plenty of data mocking libraries out there requiring you to write code. is a free online tool that allows you to generate data easily, without having to add any unnecessary dependencies to your project or write any code.
Who is Fakery For?
Fakery is for anyone who needs to generate fake data for testing their applications. It's especially useful for frontend developers who need to generate data for their frontend applications.
Why is Realistic Data Important?
Data is the lifeblood of your application. Without realistic data, your application might not look or feel right, or it might not behave as expected. Using realistic placeholder data helps you find view your application as your users would, and helps you find and fix bugs before they make it to production.
Do You Have an API?
We're working on it! We'll be releasing an API soon that will allow you to generate data programmatically.
How is the data generated?
Fakery uses Faker.js under the hood to generate most of the data. Faker.js is a popular mock data library. It's used by many other libraries and frameworks, including Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Django.
I Have a Feature Request or Bug Report
We'd love to hear from you! Please email us at